A GREAT Local Band, 

for Plenty of GREAT Causes





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"A FanTaSTIC , Amazing and FUN LOCAL BAND"

We love to play music.  We don’t care where or when.  We’ve been on big stages with lights and we’ve been in small halls playing birthday parties. We’ve played Friday nights at 9pm, Sunday’s at 4 and Thursday’s at 6!!! We bring the same love and energy anywhere we plug in our instruments.
SPX is a band from the south shore of Boston. We play music from many different genres. We play to entertain and we play because we enjoy it!  As a group we decided we love to put our music to work for the benefit of others, where we’ve realized we can raise money as a group for bigger causes than ourselves.

Who We Are

'Cause Charity

We haven’t pinned down a single charity to support but have supported many and have donated money directly to families that may be dealing with the loss of a parent or child or fighting a plethora of illnesses. 

'Cause Why

We just try to bring a little smile and a little monetary support and a lot of love and prayers to anyone who needs it. We try to shed some light on what others are going through, while we are out having a good time entertaining the able bodies

'CAUse(s) We Support

We regularly support The Steve Downey Golf Tournament http://stevedowneygolf.com/ supporting the great team of doctors with The International Mesothelioma Program at Brigham and Women’s,

Battle At The Bay and APT Fighting Chance Foundation, https://www.aptfightingchancefoundation.com helping families fighting cancer

Coop’s Troop https://coopstroop.org/donate/ who provide for small children fighting big battles

And proud to now support Lucy’s Love Bus https://lucyslovebus.org/ who provide comfort til a cure for children fighting cancer.

Peace ~ Happiness & Great Music